Splendors and Glooms Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Splendors and Glooms? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which one of the following things is Cassandra missing in her life?

Fur coats
Magical powers
Q. What does Grisini do with the earrings that originally belonged to Lizzie Rose's mother?

Pawns them
Eats them
Saves them for when she's older
Turns them into tiny puppet earrings
Q. Which of the following items isn't on display in the Wintermute house?

A painting of the dead children
Death masks for the dead children
Little portraits of the dead children
Life-size replicas of the dead children
Q. Who goes onto the ice with a rope at the end to pull Clara out of the lake?

Elsa from Frozen
Q. Why does Clara steal the phoenix-stone at the end of the book?

To stop Parsefall from stealing it
To turn Grisini into a puppet
To bring her siblings back to life
To turn herself into a real princess