The Wanting Seed Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Wanting Seed? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. During her affair with Derek, Beatrice-Joanna thinks of Tristram's flesh as:

succulent fruit
warm comfort
cold stone
Q. Finish the song: "Apples be ripe and nuts be brown,":

plant your pole into the ground
petticoats up and trousers down
swing them ladies all around
kiss the girl with the golden crown
Q. To make the crops grow, the rural Englanders:

have sex in the furrows
sacrifice their spring lambs
dance naked under the moon
buy better quality fertilizer
Q. When Tristram sees folk having sex in the fields, what euphemism does he use?

"getting it on"
"making whoopee"
"beast with two backs"
"doing the nasty"
Q. When Beatrice-Joanna experiences "a sort of eucharistic moment of high-pitched trumpets and a crack of light," she is:

having an orgasm
conceiving a child
having a transcendent experience
all of the above