Things Not Seen Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I put my hands up like I'm backing off. Which is stupid twice—first, because I'm invisible, and second, because even if I wasn't, she's blind. (10.29)

Since they're new friends, Bobby and Alicia have a little bit of work to do when it comes to being on the same page—especially with communication methods. He's really got to be more sensitive to the blindness thing.

Quote #5

I'm glad for the help, because all of a sudden silence seems scary. I mean, what Mom said was kind of true. I hardly know this girl. And when I talk, I feel like my voice sounds funny. (13.27)

Becoming invisible is already scary enough without trying to make friends. Bobby may be getting in over his head in trying to befriend Alicia and trust her with his life, but he can't back out now. It's too late.

Quote #6

And Dad's different. Or maybe I am. Or maybe it's both of us, because there's a lot less yelling. He talks, I listen. I talk, he listens. (14.14)

Maybe Bobby's dad is finally starting to see his son as an equal instead of just a little kid. It's taken fifteen years, but he's finally treating him with respect and having an open dialogue with him… all it took was for Bobby to turn invisible.