Things Not Seen Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He's forgotten I'm in the room. Dad's off in science land with his pal the professor.

I feel my face getting hot, feel my jaw muscles tighten. I clench my teeth, biting back the anger. Because inside my head, I'm yelling at them, at both of them. (18.93-94)

Ugh. Don't you hate it when your parents act like you're not even in the room when you're trying to make a point? It's super frustrating for Bobby, who can't even wave in their faces to get their attention.

Quote #8

"No. My dad got me this tiny dictation thingy last year. It's like a notepad. I can record stuff and then play it back a couple times till it's memorized. My memory's gotten pretty good." (19.43)

Ever since she's been blind, Alicia's struggled to communicate and navigate the world. Her parents are doing everything they can to ensure that she can still do most of the things she used to though—even if that means she has to carry around more gadgets.

Quote #9

"Sure. Companies love it when… um… people like you apply for jobs."

The eyebrows go up. "People like me?" she says. "You mean people with disabilities, right?" (20.19-20)

Face, meet palm. Bobby is always putting his foot in his mouth when it comes to Alicia's disability. Maybe he should try not to be so obvious when pointing out that she's different because of her blindness.