Flora and Ulysses Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"This malfeasance must be stopped" was what the unassuming janitor Alfred T. Slipper always said before he was transformed into the amazing Incandesto and became a towering, crime-fighting pillar of light. (1.28)

Leave it to Alfred T. Slipper to set the bar for Flora when it comes to good versus evil. In fact, Flora uses this to figure out where or who the evil is in her own life, even though she doesn't live in a comic book.

Quote #2

"Of course you don't. A superhero is someone with special powers, and he uses those powers to fight the forces of darkness and evil. Like Alfred T. Slipper, who is also Incandesto." (11.20)

When she asks Ulysses if he knows what a superhero is, she explains it to him like this. To Flora, a superhero is simply someone who is fighting the crime in the world—big or small.

Quote #3

"But what else can you do?" said Flora to the squirrel. "And if you truly are a superhero, how will you fight evil?" (11.32)

Naturally, since Flora uses fighting evil as one of the tests of being a superhero, she asks Ulysses about his capability in this area. Sure Ulysses fights off a mean cat and outsmarts his arch-nemesis, but does he fight evil in the way other superheroes do?