Decameron Fate vs. Free Will Quotes

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Quote #10

'In the opinion of many philosophers, all human actions conform to the will and decree of the immortal gods, and hence there are those who maintain that whatever we mortals do here on earth, either now or in the future, is inevitable and preordained; whereas certain others apply this principle of necessity only to what is already past and done with. […] the person that criticizes that which cannot be changed is behaving exactly as if he wishes to prove himself wiser than the gods, who, to the best of our knowledge and belief, control and govern us, and all things pertaining to us, by a process of eternal and infallible logic.' (X.8.755-756, Titus and Gisippus)

We can't add a thing. Titus explains it all as the ancients understood it. We can't blame him, can we, for using this argument to justify his stealing his friend's fiancée?