Flora and Ulysses Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Your father is a lonely man," said Dr. Meescham. "Also, very sad. To leave you, this broke his heart." (39.15)

For some reason, this surprises Flora. She's not used to seeing a vulnerable side to her dad, and she's usually too caught up in her own drama with her mom to even notice what's happening with him anyway. Perhaps that's why George is always introducing himself to people; he wants some friends.

Quote #8

I took issue with being so addressed. I repeatedly took issue. And after repeatedly taking issue and repeatedly being ignored, one thing led to another and some irrevocable acts occurred. And thus, I was banished. (48.30)

William tells Flora why he was kicked out of his house and is now on his own. His isolation is a little different from Flora's, because he doesn't choose for his mom to dump him. We feel sad for William, especially because he seems to want some friends and family.

Quote #9

William Spiver said, "I meant what I said. I'm here because I was looking for you. I missed you." Flora's heart, the lonely, many-armed squid of it, flipped and flailed inside of her. (48.38)

We'd like to point out how Flora describes herself using the giant, lonely squid. It turns out she doesn't love being alone after all. It's not until William comes along that Flora finally realizes that maybe there are other people out there like her, and that she doesn't have to isolate herself from everyone.