Flora and Ulysses Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But she did love him. She loved his whiskers. She loved his words. She loved his happiness, his little head, his determined heart, his nutty breath. She loved how beautiful he looked when he flew. (56.18)

Too little, too late—Flora only figures out she loves Ulysses once he's gone. Isn't it funny how much her words mimic what Flora says he loves about life and the world? It looks like he's rubbed off on her a lot.

Quote #8

Her heart clenched. Why, why, why hadn't she told the squirrel she loved him? (59.10)

Isn't this the way it always is? You realize that you love someone after they're gone? It's great for Flora that she does get the chance to tell her squirrel how much he means to her, but it's also important to note that the book warns us that not everyone gets a second chance.

Quote #9

Dr. Meescham looked at William Spiver and then at Tootie. She smiled. "And maybe, too, the face of someone you did not yet know but might come to love." (65.23)

When everyone reunites and is talking about finding unexpected love (like Flora and William), we realize just how smart that Dr. Meescham is. No wonder she's a doc.