Flora and Ulysses Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"When I was a girl in Blundermeecen , I could read the sign before anyone else even saw the sign. Not that it helped me, seeing things clearly. Sometimes, it is safer not to see. In Blundermeecen, the words on the sign were often not the truth. (37.8)

Huh? We're not sure if Dr. Meescham is talking literally or metaphorically, but either way, we've stopped to notice. She points out to Flora that just because people tell you something is true doesn't make it so. Most people don't think a squirrel could type, but Ulysses can.

Quote #5

It's the truth," Flora said. "You told Pop to kill Ulysses." (45.1)

Flora isn't interested in her mom's stories or rationale; she just wants the truth. She knows her mom wants Ulysses gone, and she can't understand why. And what's more, she doesn't get why her mom can't just come clean.

Quote #6

She left the kitchen, and he simply sat there, unmoving. It was as if she had put a spell on him; it was as if typing the lies, the wrong words, had depleted him of all ability to act. (55.4)

When Flora's mom has Ulysses type lies, he feels guilty, but he also feels he has no choice. Even a superhero gets scared sometimes, and Phyllis is threatening him here (and even delivers on it).