godless Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around godless? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of these towers does Jason spot in Shin's sketchbook?

Chicago's Sears Tower
Paris's Eiffel Tower
Disneyland's Tower of Terror
Seattle's Space Needle
Q. What do the Choot "stooges" paint on the water tower?

Death to asparagus
Got water?
Their names
Don't be a wuss
Q. Which of the following are not part of Shin's gastropodarium?

An old whisky bottle
A pond
A mossy hill
A snail-shaped disco ball
Q. Which was featured in Jason and Shin's comic book from their tenth summer, Void?

Plants with teeth
Magda Price
Q. What does Jason's dad find that prompts him to send Jason to the TPO meetings?

A drawing of Magda Price swimming in her bra and panties
An X-Men comic book
A copy of Thomas Merton's Seven Storey Mountain
A sketch of Bustella, Sirian Goddess of Techno War