Just Listen Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're a goddamn whore." Her voice was rising now, still shaky, but gaining strength. "I can't believe you." (13.143)

Whoa—Sophie cuts right to the chase with her vitriol, even when it comes to her very best friend. She immediately turns on Annabel when she's at her most vulnerable and shaken.

Quote #8

I'm sorry. It was the same thing that I wanted to say to her, that I'd wanted to say ever since that Saturday night at the fashion show. What did she have to apologize for? (16.19)

It's weird—both Annabel and Emily assume that they're the ones who messed up in the friendship. They both feel like they need to apologize to each other. But that's not the case at all. No one actually messed up but Will Cash… and maybe Sophie by association.

Quote #9

"I mean, look at us now. At least if you'd told me what was going on, we could have dealt with it. As it was, you just left everything hanging, no resolution, nothing. Is that what you wanted? That I be gone for good, rather than just mad for a little while?" (18.51)

Annabel assumed that Owen was mad at her and wouldn't talk to her ever again, but he's just frustrated that she gave up so easily. What's up with this girl and walking away from friendships?