Pure Chapter 10 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (3 Minutes and 42 Seconds)

  • Vic Wellingsly, a member of "the herd," makes fun of Partridge on the way to the academy for having to go under. Tick tick tick.
  • Since Partridge only told Hastings about this, he knows Hastings told the herd, which upsets him.
  • Partridge is led to a small white room. He has second thoughts, but ultimately jumps into the air duct.
  • He saws through filters like MacGyver and traverses the ducts like a contestant on Ninja Warrior.
  • He describes the ducts as an obstacle course, which then triggers a memory of him running through an obstacle course before the Detonations.
  • After a lot of pessimistic thinking about what it would be like to get chopped up into pieces by the fans, he makes it through to the end.