Pure Chapter 48 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Swarm)

  • The group exits the car and El Capitan tells everyone what plant not to touch.
  • If Pressia's mother is out here, why hadn't she visited Pressia, or taken her back?
  • Pressia wonders if her mother actually loved her enough.
  • A hazy golden cloud then falls upon them; cicadas, just like Freedle.
  • Good old Partridge point out the note on his birthday card: Follow your soul. May it have wings.
  • Don't worry, we forgot about that part too. But maybe the cicadas are a signal from their mother?
  • Pressia picks one up and it flashes her eye with a beam of light. It doesn't seem to recognize her retinas (maybe because of the camera installed in them).
  • The cicada recognizes Partridge, however, so they follow the swarm.