Pure Chapter 58 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Pact)

  • The chapter opens with Partridge's thoughts; he's having a tough time admitting that his mother and brother are dead.
  • He also couldn't tell his mother that Mrs. Fareling said "thank you." Gosh, this is sad.
  • Lyda makes sure to tell Partridge about the girls in the rehabilitation center and how they want to overthrow the Dome.
  • They pull up to the yellow farmhouse guarded by to OSR guards.
  • The plan: get inside and trade the fake pills for the removal of Pressia's ticker. Oh, and Pressia should hold the pills to her head so they don't blow it up.
  • Before he forgets, El Capitan gives Partridge his mother's music box.
  • One of the upper windows in the house opens, and out pops Ingership. Hi Ingership.
  • El Capitan shoots out some of the windows in the house, just for good measure.
  • Ingership asks for the medication, and Bradwell counters with asking for the remote that explodes Pressia's head.
  • Ingership disappears, and there's noise from the upstairs. A bloody hand towel, white face, and pale hand pressed to the glass appear.