Pure Chapter 53 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Tattoos)

  • Partridge lifts their mother up and sets her in a motorized chair. She talks about Rapid Cell Degeneration, which happens after too much coding. The Dome must be suffering from it.
  • She also reveals that she thought Ellery was dead the whole time.
  • Before the Detonations, she and six other elite people made pulsing tattoos. She has the same six scars as Ellery did — remember when Partridge thinks about the scars on his father's chest when they were swimming?
  • These tattoos would pulse if the person survived. Two were dead: one was for a man named Ivan, and one was for Ellery.
  • It turns out that Ellery used a knife to extract all of the pulses, making it seem like not only he was dead, but so he wouldn't know if others were dead.
  • Hideki Imanaka, Pressia's father, is supposedly still alive because his tattoo still pulses.
  • Their mother then tells them the heartbreaking story of how she was caught in the Detonations.
  • She was on her way to pick up Pressia from the airport.
  • She tripped on the pavement right outside the glass window where Pressia was, got to her hands and knees, and then the Detonations went off. She was fused to the pavement.
  • She talks about how she knew Pressia survived, but how she couldn't possibly take care of her. Then she announces that she needs to talk to Partridge alone so that the Dome can't hear what she says.