Pure Chapter 7 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Lyda (Cupcake)

  • A new character perspective, woo.
  • Lyda is Partridge's date to the dance. She has a pretty big crush on Partridge, but she's very nervous while at the dance — especially because he acts like she doesn't exist.
  • A creepy song about someone who is watching every step and every breath some else takes is playing.
  • The food pills, or "bullets" as kids call them, are replaced by cupcakes. Yum.
  • Lyda mentions how her wire bird has been chosen for display in an art show. Partridge doesn't care.
  • When she asks him what's wrong, he accuses her of looking for people's problems just like her mother, who works in a mental rehabilitation center.
  • Lyda storms off to the punch bowl and refuses to look back at him. The dance is going great.