Pure Chapter 52 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Clouds)

  • They enter the room and find a long metal capsule with a glass cover. Their mother is inside.
  • According to Caruso, their mother and Caruso are the only two survivors left in what used to be a haven for around three hundred people.
  • Partridge approaches the capsule and sees his mother, the same person from the photograph, behind the glass.
  • Her face is intact, but her body is ravaged. She has no real limbs, just materials that can substitute as limbs.
  • The capsule opens and their mother opens her eyes. In a very touching moment, she recognizes Partridge and starts to cry. Partridge cries as well.
  • He tells her that Pressia is there too; she is confused until she looks upon Pressia, recognizing her doll hand.
  • Apparently, Pressia's real name is Emi Brigid Imanaka. Rolls off the tongue, huh?
  • Their mother tells her she's missed Pressia (or Emi. Now what should we call her?).