Pure Chapter 50 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Tunnel)

  • Pressia is in denial about her grandfather. She tries to convince herself that he isn't dead, but it's no use.
  • The Special Forces give Partridge a decision to make: either find his mother and hand her over, or let Lyda die and have his mother taken anyway.
  • One of the soldiers punches an entrance to the tunnel, and Partridge and Pressia are ordered to go in.
  • While they're walking in the tunnel, they hear a man's voice yell, "This way!"
  • They contemplate what they would do if they found their mother, ultimately concluding that they don't know what they'd do. So productive, these two.
  • The voice yells, "This way" again, and then, "We're here."
  • Partridge grabs hold of Pressia's doll hand as he would have her regular hand, and they get ready to follow the voice.