Pure Chapter 11 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Knock)

  • Ever since she opened Bradwell's gift, she has been having more memories. One in particular is a lullaby about a girl on a front porch.
  • There is a knock on the door, so Pressia hides in the cabinets. Her grandfather opens the door after realizing it's a woman who needs to be stitched up.
  • The wounded woman claims there is a Death Spree occurring—a twenty-four hour period where OSR soldiers form tribes and kill people for sport. Whatever team has the highest body count wins.
  • It's like real life Call of Duty… which is incredibly messed up.
  • Pressia and her grandfather think the woman might be crazy.
  • The woman says there are new whispers about a Pure boy being spotted outside of the Dome.
  • Pressia and her grandfather are still doubtful, but Pressia hopes there is a Pure out there.
  • A truck then rumbles in the alley and Pressia can hear a dog get shot.
  • The woman sees that it's OSR; Pressia's grandfather then gives her the signal to leave through their secret passage.
  • After much hesitation, Pressia draws a smiley face on the cabinet door with ash, and then leaves through the fake panel into the barbershop.
  • She decides to go to Bradwell because he still owes her grandfather a favor. Plus, Gorse survived so maybe she could too.
  • On her way out, she finds a small charred bell and picks it up. Symbol alert—ding ding ding.