Pure Chapter 15 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Skull)

  • Partridge looks up at the sky, then remembers when his mother told him the swan wife story.
  • The Swan Wife story: a swan girl saves a young prince from drowning.
  • He then steals her wings and forces her to marry him. He becomes the king and they have two kids.
  • One kid is like the mother. The king puts her wings in a bucket and drops them down a dry well. The boy like the mother ends up retrieving the wings, gives them to his mother, and she flies away with him.
  • Partridge once asked his mother, "Is my father the bad king." His mother said, "It's just a story," but, "Don't tell the story to your father."
  • So yeah, we can pretty much assume the father is the bad king.