Pure Chapter 32 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Mothers)

  • Meanwhile, Bradwell and Partridge are being held captive by the heavily-armed women.
  • Eventually the women escort the two down to a large basement. They ask why the men are there, and Bradwell explains how they lost Pressia.
  • The women don't seem to care, but then Partridge reveals his face and they suddenly become interested.
  • They converse about trading for Partridge, but Bradwell explains how they are looking for Partridge's mother.
  • The women agree to tell their "Good Mother."
  • While Bradwell tells the women to get word out of Pressia's disappearance, Partridge wonders if Bradwell has feeling for her.
  • It makes him like Bradwell a bit more, even though he's offering a slice of Partridge to the mothers.