Pure Chapter 20 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Sarcophagus)

  • The chapter starts with the three running away from the Death Spree.
  • Pressia trips and falls, and just as the Death Spree approaches, Partridge picks her up and carries her down a set of stairs to safety.
  • Underground, there's a statue of a girl on the opposite wall; meanwhile, the Death Spree is marching aboveground.
  • Bradwell points out that it would be ironic to be buried alive in a crypt. LOL: good one Bradwell.
  • They suddenly hear a cheer, meaning the Death Spree found someone to kill.
  • Once they feel safe, Partridge pulls out his mother's photograph, necklace, birthday card, and music box. Pressia and Bradwell point out that the music box is handmade.
  • Morning comes and Pressia can now make out the name on the placard of the statue. It says, "Saint Wi" but the rest is lost. The rest she can see is "Born In… Her Father Was… Patron Saint of… Abbess… Small Children… Three Miracles… Tuberculosis."
  • Partridge tries to exit to talk to the old woman again, but Pressia insists she go with him. Partridge pulls down on Pressia and accidentally exposes her doll hand (awkward).
  • Finally Pressia climbs up and sees a few people on the road in front of the woman's house. On the ground is a pool of blood with shards of glass. Oof, it's the old lady.
  • All the sudden, Pressia is lifted off her feet; she tries to fight back but it's useless. She sees the truck and realizes it's the OSR taking her away.