Splendors and Glooms Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The coppers are going to come after us—don't you understand? If they find out you took that photograph, they'll send you to prison—or Australia. I don't know which. Only I won't let them." She looked suddenly fierce. "I won't lose you. So we must go away, and we must go tonight, before the coppers come." (27.33)

Although it would be easier for Lizzie Rose to turn in Parsefall to the police and wipe her hands clean of him, she would never do that. The two children are bound together by friendship and loyalty, so instead she'll help him escape.

Quote #8

For the moment, at least, he had found a sort of sanctuary. He would bring the bearskin rug into the room, and Clara—he would certainly bring Clara. He set the lamp on the floor and went out into the passage to fetch her. (37.75)

Even though Grisini's experience has scared the living daylights out of Parsefall, he doesn't forget Clara when he goes off to find a hiding spot. He brings her along because they're buddies now and they look out for each other.

Quote #9

"You asked if she was dear to me. The shoe was on the other foot: she cared for me. Her nature was affectionate, and she was as eager to please as her own lapdog. When I had headaches—I had dreadful headaches in those days—she used to sit by me and bathe my forehead with lavender water. She had many friends, but I was her first, and, she used to say, her dearest. She always called me that: her dearest friend." (37.9)

Cassandra doesn't like to admit that she was attached to Marguerite, but it's clear that the one true friendship she had in her life had a profound impact on her. She cannot forget Marguerite or stop feeling guilty about stealing the phoenix-stone from her.