Splendors and Glooms Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You did. You stole it from the Wintermute house. Oh!" Lizzie Rose recalled the frantic haste with which Parsefall had tidied away the blankets that morning. "That's why you were so afraid of the coppers!"

Parsefall said, "Woz not," but without much force.

"You're a thief!" Lizzie Rose cuffed him. "Oh, Parsefall, for shame!" (10.20-22)

Finding the picture of Charles Augustus horrifies Lizzie Rose and makes her feel hopeless about reforming Parsefall. How is she ever going to turn him into a good person if he's constantly lying and stealing?

Quote #5

"How do you know what he will believe?" demanded Grisini. "What do you know of him?" He twisted both plaits around his hands and dragged her closer, peering into her face. There was a moment of utter silence as he glared into her eyes. Then: "Have there been words between you?" (15.32)

It's too bad that Lizzie Rose is a terrible liar—she could really use that skill right now. Grisini can see right way that she's hiding something, and he's totally correct. Lizzie Rose went to the police to tell them what she knew, and Grisini is not pleased about it.

Quote #6

"Not a pickpocket, no. When you first meet her, you will be struck by her air of innocence. It is misleading. She's a deceitful little puss, in spite of her pious airs. You must not let her deceive you."

"I am not easily deceived." (19.66-67)

Grisini tells Cassandra that she should watch out for Lizzie Rose, but the real person that she should watch out for is Grisini. After all, she's been fooled by him once already, so she should know that he's a liar.