Splendors and Glooms Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He spoke her name as he once had, lingering over each syllable. He remembered how her eyes used to kindle when he spoke like that. She had fought against her love for him like a fish on the hook, but he had once had the power to soften her.(19.26)

Seeing Grisini again brings back all of the pain and humiliation of their shared past. Cassandra hates to think about how she fell in love with him when he didn't return her feelings at all. He was pretending the whole time they were "together."

Quote #8

An idea flashed through his mind like a comet. He wanted to clap his hands and crow with laughter and drum his heels with joy. In one flash of inspiration, he saw how he might gain the power of the fire opal—the power, not the doom of it. He thought of the children he had planned to discard as useless. They would not be useless now. (19.56)

Even when he's bedridden and in pain, Grisini can't help but think about how he can manipulate the people around him to become even more powerful. He doesn't care about Lizzie Rose and Parsefall at all—he just wants them to come to Strachan's Ghyll and steal the phoenix-stone for him.

Quote #9

And whichever it is, he thought, will be my puppet and my slave. If Parsefall steals it, he will use it according to my commands. And if it is Lizzie Rose … She has not yet learned fear, not as the boy has, but I shall enjoy teaching her. (19.69)

Grisini is certain that when Lizzie Rose or Parsefall ends up stealing the phoenix-stone, he will be able to use the child like a puppet. He doesn't ever consider the fact that they might use the stone against him. You know, since they despise him and all.