Splendors and Glooms Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Dr. Wintermute sat on the center platform, which had been erected for himself and his wife. One day, they would lie together in peace, surrounded by the children they had lost. Four of his children were already entombed here; whenever he turned his head, he saw the caskets that held their mortal remains. (12.2)

The mausoleum is a horrible place for Dr. Wintermute to pass off the ransom money because he can't help but think about his own mortality, his dead children, and whether or not Clara is still alive. What a mean place for Grisini to choose.

Quote #8

"Yes. Perhaps that was a mistake." He knew he was on dangerous ground, but he went on. "I have sometimes thought that it made Clara unhappy to visit Kensal Green every Christmas. I've often wondered if we mourned our dead children at the expense of the one who lived—" (40.11)

Dr. Wintermute realizes they've been focusing way too much on their dead children and not enough on their living daughter. They really need to figure out a way to come out of this mourning period as a family and start letting themselves experience joy and happiness.

Quote #9

Grisini screamed. He swayed back and forth like a falling tree, his arms flailing. The ice beneath him shattered and gave way. There was a loud splash. (46.26)

Throughout the book, Grisini is super smug and convinced that no one can touch him—but in the end, it's a little girl who spells his demise. When he chases after Clara, he ends up falling through the ice and drowning to death. Good riddance.