How It All Goes Down
- Tethis's house looks to be built of whatever drift was caught in the Circumfence. As for the sea troll, he's not half as bad as Rincewind imaged, and looks to be a man composed entirely of water.
- The sea troll provides drinks and tells them about the Circumfence. Apparently the country of Krull scavenges the Circumfence for flotsam to maintain itself; this includes the people who become slaves.
- By the way—and it's nothing personal on Tethis's part—but Twoflower and Rincewind will become slaves, too.
- Rincewind threatens to jump before being fated to slavery, but Tethis holds him over the Edge, proving his point in dramatic fashion.
- Tethis tells them his home is out there somewhere, but even he hasn't had the courage to jump off the Edge after all these years.