William Spiver

Character Analysis

We'll give you one piece of advice: Don't go calling this guy Billy. His stepdad, Tyrone, learnt that the hard way. William wants to be distinguished from every other kid with the same name out there and is very particular about it. It's only one part of his generally quirky demeanor, though, and he also has a fondness for making pretty grand statements. For example, he tells Flora:

  • "The universe is a random place." (21.15)
  • "I doubt that you will ever get to The Truth. You may get to a version of the truth. But The Truth? I doubt it very seriously." (66.11)
  • "Do you know, for instance, that the universe is expanding as we speak?" (45.5)

See what we mean? The guy loves his factoids, and works them into conversation every chance he gets. This is exactly what makes him a good match for Flora. For a girl with a tendency to think too much about danger or disastrous situations, it's good to see William's approach to life since it helps her realize that sometimes she needs to chill. It's also good for her to see that other kids her age have problems with their parents, and William's are even worse than hers. Plus neither of them have any friends, a reality they come together to change.