If Only Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I've been feeling more and more self-conscious about being flat when all my friends are filling out and moving from exercise bras to real bras. My body seems to be stuck. I've thought about what I could do to get it going but haven't been able to come up with any ideas. (21.44)

Corinna's been Googling, but she hasn't found any answers. Her body will probably start cooperating any time now, but a few months feels like an eternity when you're waiting.

Quote #8

My mom said I couldn't get my ears pierced until my sweet sixteen because she got some terrible infection that spread all over when she got hers pierced. She was worried that I would, too. (30.3)

When Corinna goes against Sophie's wishes and engages in a normal act of teenage rebellion, it's a sign she's healing. Acting like a typical teenager for an afternoon is the first small step toward actually being one.

Quote #9

Dad brings up the idea of us taking the trip to Japan we had been planning to take with Mom this summer. They had wanted to wait until I was old enough, whatever that means, and apparently fourteen is the right age. (38.3)

Growing up isn't all about physical development—it's about intellectual development, too. At least Corinna's dad recognizes she's made some strides, even if she hasn't put any of "that stuff" in the shopping cart at the grocery store yet.