If Only Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I see Alex looking right at me, right into my eyes. He's only two feet away from me, and he's wearing his orange shirt […] That frozen-but-hot-and-sweaty feeling takes over my body. (15.15)

Oh young love… bodies aren't the only things that change in adolescence. Crushes are a doozy, too.

Quote #5

I'm in the girls' bathroom between classes, having just checked again to see if I got my first period. I'm paranoid that it's going to come at school. (16.21)

Running to the bathroom between classes to check for your period has to be a drag… as well as something that pretty much every adolescent girl has done at some point.

Quote #6

I never imagined that my first bra would be bought by someone else's mom. (21.37)

Ouch. But hey, at least she has some nurturing mother figures in her life. They don't make up for her mom, but we like knowing Corinna has someone to help her out in the lady department.