If Only Foreignness and "The Other" Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There's a tiny toilet room that has its own pair of slippers just outside the door. Across the top of each toe is written TOILET. I sense another slipper rule, and I start worrying I'll cause a second flood. (54.19)

There are special bathroom-only slippers in Japan, and if you wear them outside the bathroom, it's considered very unsanitary. Likewise, don't be wearing your living-room slippers to go to the toilet.

Quote #8

"The incense smoke helps the dead find their way to come back and visit," Aiko explains. "And the vegetable horses help the spirits travel home quickly. The vegetable cows help the spirits return feeling relaxed." (54.44)

Okay, this all sounds a little silly, but no more so than a giant bunny who brings you chocolate eggs or a fairy who gives you money for your teeth.

Quote #9

It's interesting how sometimes time goes so slowly, like when you're in pain or in math class, or having lunch with people who are in shock because they just found out your mom is dead and you don't speak the same language. (55.1)

Not speaking the same literal language is way less painful than not speaking the same figurative one. All Corinna's friends speak English; few of them speak Grief, though.