If Only Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I don't believe God had a plan to make my mother die and make me motherless at age thirteen and my dad wifeless at age forty-four. […] What kind of a God would want Sophie Burdette to die? (6.42)

Corinna hates when people tell her that Sophie's death must have been part of "God's plan." It just doesn't add up for Corinna.

Quote #5

She had a baby who died a few days after he was born, so I think she kind of knew what it was like. It's totally different, but kind of the same, I guess. (7.22)

Which is worse: Being a parent and losing a child, or being a child and losing a parent? How are they the same? How are they different?

Quote #6

Seeing mail addressed to her feels like getting sharp needles stuck into the emptiness inside of me. Don't they know she's dead and can't read their stupid catalogs or contribute to their organizations? (11.7)

It's not like Corinna would have forgotten Sophie if those catalogs hadn't been there to remind her. What hurts is that when you're mourning the person you loved most, you don't want to be reminded that to others, they were just a name on a mailing label.