How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
It was becoming clear, though, that my self-imposed isolation during the summer had been more effective than I'd realized. Right after everything happened, I'd cut myself off entirely, figuring this was safer than risking people judging me. (2.5)
The rape was terrible and traumatic, but it doesn't just end there for Annabel. She also has to deal with the fallout in her social life; she basically has no friends to lean on after it happens. How lonesome.
Quote #2
The worst part was that I had things I wanted to tell my mother, too many to count, but none of them would go down so easy. She'd been through too much, between my sisters—I could not add to the weight. So instead, I did my best to balance it out, bit by bit, word by word, story by story, even if none of them were true. (4.106)
Even at home Annabel feels alone. Her family members all have their own problems, so she doesn't feel like she can add to their burdens—but by hiding her secrets, she's only separating herself from them more.
Quote #3
I tried to picture myself retracing my steps, moving back to take my place on the couch, but I just couldn't. So I left him there alone to watch history repeat, the same events retold again and again, on his own. (6.119)
Ever since Annabel was assaulted she's been unable to fully connect with her family members. Even sitting on the couch and spending some time with her dad seems like it'd be too much.