How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
But as time went on, she didn't get better. Instead, she started sleeping later, and then later, until she sometimes didn't get out of bed at all. When she was up, I'd sometimes come into the kitchen midmorning to find her sitting in the same chair, empty mug in her hands, looking out the window. (2.66)
Annabel's grown up with an understanding of what it's like to have deep unhappiness in the family. She, her sisters, and her father have spent a lot of time tiptoeing around Mrs. Greene's depression and making sure that they take care of her.
Quote #2
It was just like all those years ago: her face so tired, eyes swollen from crying, her very features haunted. A sudden panic made me want to wrap myself around her, putting myself between her and the world and everything it could do to her, to me, to any of us. (3.114)
Things get even worse in the glass house after Annabel finds Whitney passed out in the bathroom. Is their mother going to be okay, or is she going to crack because she's so fragile?
Quote #3
As we passed Whitney, it was clear she was crying, her thin shoulders shaking, her hand still pressed to her face. I felt something catch in my own throat and then we were moving on, leaving her behind. (5.253)
Whitney may have a permanent scowl on in order to look tough around her family, but she's really suffering too. In entering her eating disorder treatment, she's had to give up her whole life in New York. No wonder she feels devastated.