Just Listen Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nothing, however, stuck with me more than the memory of stepping into that dark room and what I found there, and how the light then took that nightmare and made it real. (13.195)

Poor Annabel—she can't shake the unpleasant thoughts from her mind. No matter how hard she tries, the memory of what happened that night at the party follows her everyday, clouding all her experiences.

Quote #8

Occasionally before or after school, I'd catch a glimpse of him, towering over everyone else as he cut across a pathway or disappeared around a corner. Sometimes when I saw him, all I wanted to do was tell him everything. (15.62)

She may be used to being alone, but Annabel still feels pangs of loneliness whenever she sees Owen around the school. He's the only person who's been able to lead her out of the darkness and see a life after her rape.

Quote #9

Cry. Really cry, the way I hadn't in years, the kind of full-out sobbing that hits you like a wave, pulling you under. Suddenly the tears were just coming, sobs climbing up my throat, my shoulders shaking. (16.21)

Annabel hasn't handled her grief well since the day she was raped, but once Emily expresses that she knows what happened to her, Annabel can finally acknowledge what happened as well. Her pain has been validated.