What’s Up With the Ending?

Because the stories in Lips Touch: Three Times are basically fairy tales, they all come with their own neat little ending. Check it out:

  • "Goblin Fruit" ends with Kizzy deciding to kiss Jack Husk despite all the warnings, because she would rather lose her soul than live without romance.
  • In "Spicy Little Curses Such As These," Anamique is able to reverse the consequences of the curse with Estella's help, bringing all of her loved ones out of the Fire of Hell to live happily ever after—for the most part, at least.
  • And Esmé in "Hatchling" gets to resume her normal life now that she's no longer connected to the Druj Queen, while Mihai finally gets his beloved wife—the Druj Queen—back after she remembers their former human lives.

Whew—that's a lot of closure all around. The most important thing, though, is that in each case our leading ladies' stories end on their terms. Kizzy, Anamique, and Esmé each land on paths of their own design.