Lips Touch: Three Times Genre

Coming of Age; Fairy Tale

Coming of Age

In each of the strange tales in Lips Touch: Three Times, the main character is a girl who is just coming of age—and experiencing all of the turmoil and confusion that comes with becoming a woman. From Kizzy in "Goblin Fruit," who just wants to be seen as an attractive girl to boys her age, to Esmé in "Hatchling," who is learning some disturbing secrets about where she comes from, all of the main characters are getting to know themselves as adults. And goblins and demons aside, this can be the most difficult journey of all.

Fairy Tale

The stories in Lips Touch: Three Times aren't your fluffy Disney variety fairy tales. No, these read more like the original Hans Christian Andersen stories—scary, a little bloody, and with very few happy endings. There are many fantastical elements to the stories, like goblins that steal girls' souls and decades-long curses on beautiful baby girls. And the stunning illustrations by Jim Di Bartolo accompanying each story add to the fanciful reading experience.