Lips Touch: Three Times Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


When a book has a chapter titled "Butterfly Rape," it's pretty clear that it's not going to shy away from the topic of sex. And Lips Touch: Three Times certainly delivers on the steaminess. All three protagonists in the stories are young girls who are coming of age and discovering their own sexuality, and the book follows right along as they do so.

Although sexual acts aren't described in great detail, we do get a few pretty disturbing scenes, especially in "Hatchling" when the Druj Queen and her hunters take over human bodies for their own pleasure. It's troubling to read about how the Druj enter human bodies and turn them into their own playthings, going through the motions of sex without consent. Even without the physical details, that story in particular needs a warning for adult content. So consider yourself warned.