Lips Touch: Three Times Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The effect was to bring her face into focus, and Kizzy stared at it for minutes, getting the feeling that something had happened to her since the last time she had looked at herself, if indeed she ever really had. (1.3.1)

After spending so much time hating her body, Kizzy finds that it's not so bad after all. Maybe she's not as ugly as she always thought… and maybe boys like Jack Husk really are attracted to her.

Quote #2

She was feeling, under the vivid gaze of this soldier, that she had stepped out of a fog and been seen clearly for the first time. (2.4.42)

Anamique has spent her whole life thinking of herself as a dangerous ticking time bomb, ready to explode and kill her loved ones at any time. But when James looks at her, she feels like a girl who is ready for romance. It changes the way that she sees herself.

Quote #3

For days in a row they continued in this way, and slowly they discovered each other. The letters grew longer and Anamique's gray eyes lost a bit of the haunted shadow James had seen in them, and James' heart began to lift itself, step by step, out of the swamp of mud and ghosts in which it had been steeping since France. (2.5.26)

Anamique and James are good for each other. They both pull the other person out of their sad lives and inject some happiness and sunshine into the mix. Even James starts to get over the horror of seeing all his friends die, and starts thinking of a brighter future.