Flora and Ulysses Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Besides, the squirrel was hungry, and he would need to be strong for the battle ahead. (26.35)

Flora is thinking physically strong, but Ulysses has to pump those mental muscles, too. Ulysses might be a flying superhero, but he still needs to be encouraged to act sometimes, so just like how Ulysses gives Flora the strength to stand up for herself, Flora gives her squirrel friend the motivation to kick some butt.

Quote #5

"Ulysses!" she shouted. "Ulysses! Remember who you are!" Remember who he was? Who was he? (30.24)

In the diner, Flora shouts out to Ulysses to get him to do something before the cook comes his way with the knife. Most superheroes we know don't need an invitation to act, but Ulysses shows off his survival chops by thinking outside of the box in a tricky situation.

Quote #6

Ulysses loosened his hold on her hair. He leaped again. This time he leaped with purpose and intent. He leaped with all his strength. (30.36)

As William points out, there is such a thing as a flying squirrel. Yet what makes Ulysses extra special here isn't the fact that he flies or jumps in Rita's hair—it's his attitude when he does these things. He's not backing down or running away; he's being brave.