How It All Goes Down
Same Day
- Leo arrives at his parents' house. Leo's service with the MGB has earned his parents a pretty cushy life, complete with easy jobs and gourmet food.
- Leo's parents are surprised but happy to see him. Their lighthearted conversation is cut short, however, because Leo wants to talk about the Raisa situation.
- Although he knows that Raisa isn't a spy, he also knows that it's near-impossible to beat espionage charges. In fact, if Leo were to stand up for her, he—and likely his parents, too—would be considered just as guilty.
- Although Leo's parents love Raisa (she's coming over for dinner tonight, in fact), they both "want [their] son to live" (2.11.59). The only way that can happen is for Leo to betray Raisa.
- Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Raisa has arrived with big news. She's preggers!