Chomp Chapter 4 Summary

  • Susan Cray calls home to check on the boys and they all say they miss each other.
  • Mickey seems to be feeling better, as Wahoo reports to his mom, but he still needs aspirin. Hmm, why wouldn't he tell her the truth?
  • After Wahoo feeds the raccoons, Derek Badger and Raven appear and want to see Alice.
  • Checking Derek out, Wahoo thinks he looks really awful, "more like a dirty tourist than a sturdy survivalist" (4.38).
  • Wahoo gets Mickey, who acts like he is glad to be working with Derek, which Wahoo is grateful for. He doesn't want his dad messing up the job since they could make a lot of money off of this.
  • But wait—a conflict arises between Derek and Mickey once they go look at Alice.
  • Derek wants to move Alice to another location to shoot, but Mickey will not let that happen since she is so big (and his favorite animal) and tells Derek no deal.
  • Plus, Mickey constructed a realistic Everglades set with a water pool and plants, so why move her?
  • Derek doesn't think the set is good enough, apparently, but Mickey is certain that it is. Hmmm, what to do? Can't we all just get along?
  • Raven steps in to ask about the small alligators, which can travel.
  • Pouting, Derek says he does not want a small gator. He walks away.
  • In her frustration, Raven reminds Mickey about the contract he signed, but Mickey makes light of it.
  • Then Wahoo lies about having a lawyer and says that the contract won't be good in court.
  • Don't forget there is the eight hundred dollar deposit too, a fact Mickey also brushes aside.
  • Wahoo eases the tension by offering to give Derek a tour of the set, but he is on the phone, so Wahoo instead assures Raven that he can sort this all out with his dad.
  • But Wahoo is only in high school, so Raven doubts he'll be very convincing.
  • Inside the house, Wahoo finds his dad resting and watching Expedition Survival! Wahoo tries to talk about the job with him anyway.
  • Wahoo is desperately trying to make his dad see just how important making money is right now for them—their house is on the line, after all. Um, yeah. Major priority.
  • On the show, Derek has a tarantula on him, knocks it off, eats it, and says that the spider almost killed him, but the Crays know this is a lie. Fact fact: Tarantulas aren't venomous. How relieved are you?
  • Mickey mentions that this show is not about the animals but about Derek.
  • Finally he agrees to do the job as long as Alice stays put and they film her at their house.