Chomp Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Making it real," Raven explained. "On Expedition Survival!, we're all about making it real. Derek considers that is sacred mission, a bond of trust with our viewers." (2.95)

Expedition Survival! is like many TV shows—they'll do whatever it takes to get high ratings. And there really is nothing wrong with being good at acting and entertaining people—the problem is saying something is real when it isn't.

Quote #2

Derek wore crisply pressed khaki shorts, a matching safari shirt and hiking boots splattered with wet oatmeal to look like mud.

"What a poser," Mickey said. (5.27-28)

A poser is someone who acts like something they aren't. Derek is no outdoorsman, and his show is so fake that they don't even use real mud to make it look like he's been hiking.

Quote #3

With a tissue she was dabbing makeup on his nose, undoubtedly to conceal the button-sized turtle bite. (6.15)

After Derek pokes at the snapping turtle and gets nicked on the nose, he says the video must be destroyed. The bite was real, but instead of displaying a real encounter with a real animal, they cover up the evidence of this encounter with makeup.