Chomp Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The snake was chewing on Mickey's foot as if it were a rabbit. He knew better than to struggle, for that would only cause Beulah to tighten her grip. (3.77)

In a life-threatening situation, having skills and knowledge to deal with the problem is essential for survival. Here, Mickey knows from experience and practice what to expect from the python and reacts calmly, ultimately calling Wahoo for help.

Quote #2

Wahoo emptied a tube of antiseptic ointment on his father's foot, and with a butter knife he spread the goop over all the puncture holes. (3.99)

Phew. Thank goodness Wahoo was around and knew what to do—skill really does come in handy when you are in a pinch.

Quote #3

The raccoons were always excited to see him because Wahoo's arrival meant it was mealtime. (4.29)

If you've ever had a dog, cat, or other large-ish pet, you know what a nice feeling it is to be needed. Part of developing skill is having a routine and schedule, and caring for others can be a great way to build skills.