Chomp Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

They had been shooting an Expedition Survival! in Cambodia when Derek had decided to play snake charmer with a spitting cobra…When Mr. Na saw what Derek was doing he leaped between Derek and the dangerous reptile just as it released a jet of deadly poison. (5.20)

Raven has seen it all… and she doesn't want to be reminded about it. Derek's foolish behavior could easily have lead to his death. Did he learn his lesson or does he try to forget like Raven?

Quote #2

Wahoo…made a pushing motion with both hands, a signal to back off. Either Derek didn't see him or pretended not to. The bite was a hissing blur. (5.58, 59)

Not having any common sense, Derek pokes at a large snapping turtle while his face is just a little too close. Do you think he sees Wahoo's warning?

Quote #3

With a cameraman on his heels, Derek wriggled forward and pounced with a triumphant cry upon Beulah. He locked both hands two feet below her head, which is just about the worst place to grab a snake. (5.88)

Ignoring Mickey's detailed directions about how to handle Beulah, Derek goes ahead and does whatever he wants… which gets him nowhere. Actually, he is lucky this time because the python was full and sleepy.