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Go Ask Alice Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I really wish we could be together stoned every night, but he only lets me come over when he restocks my acid supply and gives me enough grass and barbs to last me until I see him again. I know he's studying very hard so I try to content myself with what he can give me of himself which seems to be getting less and less. Maybe I am oversexed, at least I seem to be a lot more interested in it than he is. But that's only because he worries so about me. (78)

Oh man, Richie is playing Alice like a fiddle. Sure he's studying—studying Ted's handsome anatomy. He's found himself a naïve little minion, and Alice has bought every line.

Quote #8

But all the Christmas things in the windows and the stores make us both a little lonely inside although neither one of us says anything. I was even trying to pretend to myself that I wasn't affected, but I guess to you dear Diary I can tell the truth. (113.1)

When will Alice learn that it's not possible to deceive oneself? She's lonely. Why is that so bad to admit?

Quote #9

I wish there were some way to literally and truly and completely and permanently blot my for real nightmares out, but since there isn't, I must poke them way back into the darkest and most inaccessible corners and crevices of my brain, where perhaps they will eventually be covered over or become lost. (124.1)

Oh man, Self-Deception 101: We all know pushing feelings deep down doesn't erase them, it makes them manifest in other, more insidious ways. Sure, sometimes you have to pull a Scarlett O'Hara and think about it another day, but there's no way to just forget that those things happened.