godless Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As Shin was struggling to climb the first twenty feet up the tower leg, I shouted down to him, "C'mon Shin, you can do it!" even though I knew he could not. (14.6)

It's easy to see why Jason chooses to cheer for Shin instead of discourage him here. And because of that, this moment makes a compelling argument for the benefits of the occasional little white lie.

Quote #5

"[Henry] showed me how to climb the Ten-legged One. I had to make him High Priest." (15.23)

Oh how carefully Jason crafts that sentence to imply Henry made him make him High Priest. He might not lie in words, but he sure seems to intentionally mislead.

Quote #6

"You made me High Priest. I never said I'd run your religious service." (15.84)

Jason is so busted.