godless Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Look, Shin, I had to let Henry in the church. He wouldn't tell me how to climb the tower unless I let him join." Was that actually true? Maybe not. Another holy lie for the greater good. (16.12)

Interesting that Jason can't remember what is true. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Quote #8

"It's a religious thing, Mom."

"Oh! Something for your TPO group?"

"Something like that." (16.49-51)

Again Jason doesn't technically lie, he just lets his mom keep her incorrect assumption. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Jason.

Quote #9

"You know, we have a pact at the TPO meetings. Everything we say in those meetings is private, just like what you say in the confessional." (16.86)

Does Jason really believe this is true? That it should be true? Or is he guilting his dad into not probing?