godless Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"According to Father Haynes, if nonbeliever takes Holy Communion, he'll be damned for all eternity. Of course, being a nonbeliever damns me anyway, so I suppose it doesn't really matter, but I figure it's safer not to partake. Just in case I'm wrong about the whole God thing." (6.113)

We respect Jason's rejection of hypocrisy.

Quote #5

"God, no." (8.18)

Jason doesn't believe in god. He doesn't believe in leprechauns either, though he doesn't really lose any sleep over that one.

Quote #6

"Hey, if the water tower is god, what's the devil?"

"I don't think the Chutengodians have a devil."

"You gotta have a devil. You can't have a religion without a devil." (10.67-69)

A question for the ages: Do good and evil require each other in order to exist? Interesting that volatile, abuse-survivor Henry Stagg is the one to make the assertion that a devil is necessary.