godless Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A few hours ago, Henry Stagg and I watched the sun rise over St. Andrew Valley from the top of the Ten-legged One. […] We sat in devout silence as sunlight touched the silver tank, lighting it inch by inch, from the top down. Talk about being close to God. (11.7)

Interesting turn of phrase from someone who doesn't believe in God. Maybe Jason finds something in nature that is more godlike than the history and rituals of organized church. Or maybe it's just a turn of phrase.

Quote #8

"Listen, you can't just make up your own rules." (25.49)

Jason says this to Henry after he drafts some commandments with Magda. Irony anyone? Jason has made up all sorts of stuff, so we think what's really going on here is that Jason is realizing he can't control a "religion."

Quote #9

Maybe I'm the Antichrist. Maybe I'm a pawn of Satan. But I don't feel evil. (30.40)

In the final chapter, Jason does some genuine soul-searching about what level of responsibility he may bear in all the CTG fallout. But here? His fondness of hyperbole seems to be a handy way to blow-off blame. Can we blame him?